
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

One of my dear friend had sent this wish to me a couple of years ago. Now I am passing this "Loaded" New Year Wish to all my blogger/browser buddies worldwide. Here's to a Happy, Halcyon and Prosperous New Year. May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall. May your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your...

Asparagus and Mushroom Curry

Asparagus may be considered as 'The Aristocrat of Vegetables' but it is also the most under appreciated vegetable because most people don't care to try it all that much or plain don't like the taste of it. The second under-appreciated vegetable in my opinion has to be mushroom as many of the vegetarians shy away from it because...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

RecipeReplica: Chicken Curry with a Sourashtrian Spin

This recipe has been adopted from the recipe-hub of one fabulous blogger with an extra-fabulous blogspot.She is none other than Radhika Vasanth of Sourashtrian Kitchen.She has a wealth of recipes and exciting events happening in her spot. The minute I saw her Madurai-style(Sourashtrian) chicken recipe with its...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

RecipeReplica: Star Embossed Health-Mix N Oats Cookies

I have to thank Priya of Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes as she was kind enough to let me borrow her Ragi Cookie Recipe. Priya is one of the most dedicated bloggers I have come across. She has one-post-a-day policy of sorts and we all can count on her to come up with something nice and yummy everyday. She brings a whole new meaning to the word...

Acknowledging Awards - 2

I love awards. This little beauty was passed on to me by Aruna Manikandan of Veggie Paradise many moons ago. Thanks a bunch Aruna. The next couple of awards have been passed by Sailaja Damodaran of Sailaja's Kitchen. Thanks for your generosity. This pretty award was given to me by Sumi of Sumi's Kitchen a couple of weeks ago....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Flashback to the Day of my Eye Surgery

As per me, women fall into 3 broad category when it comes to beauty – 1. Women WHO ARE CONTENT with god-given beauty. How I envy them! 2. Women WHO WILL BE CONTENT only if their beauty rivals that of Cleopatra. How I feel sorry for them! 3. Women WHO ARE NEITHER CONTENT NOR DISCONTENT. Now, I who fall into this category, am mad at myself for being blessed with an indecisive brain that puts me in this limbo-state. Well,Overall...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Super Simple Badam Kheer - Stove-top Almond Drink

All, I am back with Badam Kheer. So many postings to go through, plenty of awards to claim in 2 weeks absence. I am grateful for all the comments and well-wishing emails from fellow bloggers and buddies.The eye surgery went well. I can see clearly(hmm, almost) without glasses for the first time in two decades. Thats really something....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mini Break for Eye Surgery

Dear friends, I am taking a break for about a week or so as I am going for corrective eye surgery today(Epi-Lasik). I am a bundle of nerves thinking about it but I am trying to convince myself that it can't be as bad a childbirth. I had re-scheduled my posts as it needs a once-over prior to getting published.I will be back with a bang after a week. In the mean time, take care and feel free to stop by my spot for some post-peeking. Cheers, Cool...

Friday, December 4, 2009

MYOB(MakeYourOwnBurger): Barley Bean Burger

This is yet another recipe that has been invented in my little kitchen. I let my imagination run wild and came up with this yummy little burger that can also be consumed just as is without the burger buns.Sending this as an entry to Madhuram's Barley event. Ingredients: Garbanzo Beans(Chick Pea) - 1 cup, cooked Barley - 1 cup,...

SugarPlum Balls Minus the Sugar

Now this is a healthy and awesome treat for young and the old alike.This is packed with fiber, certain vitamins, a breeze to make and tastes good, which in my opinion is a major bonus. So don't hesitate to try this at home. Kids will love it and so will you. Ingredients: Almonds - a handful, blanched Cashews - a handful Pecan/Walnuts...

Barley Pilaf

This is my first time cooking with Barley. If not for blogging, I wouldn't have given it a try. Blogging is giving me an opportunity to expand my culinary horizon and I am loving it. I certainly will be making this pilaf on a frequent basis.It  is filling, very yummy,healthy and wholesome. Ingredients:Barley - 2 cups, soaked overnight...

A troubling Tale: My maiden Plane-Trip to India with a Terrible-Two Toddler, Genre: High Drama

Act One: Flying High Inspite of my hubby warning me about the possible pitfalls in my decision to go alone with my hyperactive toddler, I went ahead anyways because I want my son to get to know his other set of grandparents,learn new things and see new faces etc etc. The fun began right after we stepped into the son's diaper leaked and his travel pants got soaked in,you know..Plus he knew somehow that he was going...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 Cookathon -- "When it Rains, It Pours"

Ahem, everyone,I am back with a post after a double-day Cookathon for Thanksgiving day.I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a nice time bingeing/boozing with family and friends. This year Thanksgiving was at my home with kith and kin. When I had agreed to do this, I hadn't realized what a trying chore it would be.As usual I...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving/Happy Holidays 2009

I wish all my fellow bloggers/friends a "Happy Thanksgiving". The recipe for this Cheese-N-Veggie Gobbler sandwich is from one of these magazines -- FamilyFun Or Parenting, October/November edition. Sorry, didn't pay attention to the month/name of these magazines. You see I came across this while I was in the Pediatric lounge, pensively...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

South Indian Mini Meals(Version 1)

Who doesn't love variety on their plate? I am a major fan of mini meals that certainly pleases the eye and other senses. Mini meals are a rare indulgence in the house due to the amount of work involved. Mini items they may be..but they require major Plate for one, please: Mini Idlis with Homemade Milagai Podi/Chutney Powder(Click...

Puffy Poori/Puri N Purple Potato Sides

My only request before you are put-off by the purple potato -- Give it a try. I don't know if purple potatoes are available everywhere but they come in little netted packages in the gourmet-foods section of the supermarket. What prompted me to try this potatoes? Curiosity, why else? Now I am hooked. These mildly sweet bodied potatoes look...

Basics: Chutney Powder (Idli Podi/Kaara Podi/Mailagai Podi)

Who wouldn't love Idli Podi? Its the most easiest to prepare and yummiest accompaniment for hot steaming Idlis(Steamed Rice Batter). I love love Podi with Idli, Dosai and even mix it with rice, just like the Paruppu Podi..Here is an easy way to make it and enjoy it right from your kitchen. You need a powerful mixer to grind the pulses. Puny...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mixed Veggie Pilaf

Pilaf/Pulao/Plav is a versatile dish that can take any form and perform.Its meaty version may please meat-lovers but its vegetarian version is sure to please all alike. I am partial to the vegetarian version with plenty of colorful vegetables..especially multi-colored peppers, peas, carrot and beans. So here is my version of this kitchen...

Friday, November 20, 2009

TwilightSagaFood: 'New Moon' Cheesy Crescents

As I promised, here is the New Moon Treat some of you were waiting for. For this I had to scratch my brain and finalize on something that resembles a Waxing Crescent Moon(A sliver of a thing seen soon after sunset). These crispy and cheese flavored crescents will make an excellent accompaniment to Tea/Coffee or a replacement for popcorn....

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Root-A-Rama Soup - Rocking with Root Veggies

I am proud of this creation for 3 reasons: Catchy name that I decided to bestow on this soup.  You won't find this combination of root veggie soup anywhere(Yup, I googled it and saw this combo nowhere)  It turned out extremely well for an experiment. I used four root veggies(Root, Tuber-root, Tap-root and blah blah blah) for...

I Had A Dream

Note: I swear I had this dream in the early hours of this fine Thursday morning that woke me up and had me typing away this post. THIS IS NO FIB. A dream laced with so much vividness, a hint of incredulity, a tinge of weirdness, a lot of imagination,that it woke me up to write this.Again, this is NOT MADE UP and I KID YOU NOT. Ever since I have started blogging,I have been on a blogging-rush 24/7. Even when I am doing something,...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

TwilightSagaFood: Edward Cullen's 'Twilight' FruitNVeggieVamp Drink (No animals were tortured to make this drink)

"Twilight" When You can live forever, what do you live for? Okay, do not laugh. I am a sucker for all vampire novels/movies. Why wouldn't I? The idea of Eternity, Superior Senses and Ravishing Looks certainly appeals to me. Coming to the point, people say that Ms.Meyer's Twilight Series is for young adults. I say its for young-adults and...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Acknowledging Awards

I was so happy when I got a couple of awards from Priya of Priya's Feast. They were the first award bestowed on my blogging self for my Diwali entries. No doubt I am overjoyed and encouraged to work hard and acquire some more..Since I am a newbie I am still "learning the ropes" of awards and, a bit late in claiming them..   Thanks...

Immunity Boosting Salad - Packed with Vitamin C

Did you know that Flu Season starts to peak during November and continues to peak until April?I didn't know either until I stumbled onto a website that claims it is so. So I will take their word. People who don't care to get the seasonal/swine flu shots should do everything to stay healthy. That means boosting the immune system with Vitamin...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brunch Setting For One

There are times when you are in a desperate need of pampering..When you find yourself in such a situation, you should cook something nice.For yourself, that is! This is my go-to menu when I need a bit of TLC, which is more often than not. 3-Course Brunch for One Menu-card: Homemade Muesli with Milk Spinach and Artichoke Frittata Persimmon...

HomeMade Swiss Muesli - A Swiss Favorite!

What is Muesli? As per the Wiki, Muesli, pronounced Mew-zz-li was developed around 1900 by Swiss physician Maximilian Bircher-Benner for patients in his hospital. It is available in the supermarket cereal aisle but it can also be made fresh. Homemade Muesli is so easy to make and the beauty of it is that the ingredients can be altered as...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Basics: Rustic Stuffed French Toast

French toast is much loved in my family. This would be my first choice for a weekend breakfast or brunch on a lazy day. You will have to excuse the dirty shot of this toast cause I was ravenous by the time I made it and had no patience to do anything besides taking a hasty shot prior to gobbling it up. Ingredients: Wheat Bread - 4 slices Egg...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Spanish Vegan Paella(Pa-YaY-Yea)

What comes to mind when you think of Spain? Matadors, Flamenco dancers and PAELLA. Paella is a saffron-flavored dish made with rice, meat, seafood and vegetables. I have made many versions of this - with meat, seafood, both meat and seafood and just a vegetarian version. So what makes this a Vegan one? I soaked them Saffron Strands in water...

Basics: Basic Vegetable Stock

Looking for a healthy, low/no sodium vegetable stock. Stop looking in the supermarket's aisles. This can be made fresh at home with easily available ingredients. Ingredients: Water - 4 cups Red Potato - 1/2 Carrot - 4, quartered lengthwise Celery - 2 stalk, halved Bay Leaf - 1 Pepper Corns - 1 tbsp Red Onion - 1/2 medium Procedure: In...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

FromFamilyNFriends: Chicken in Walnut Gravy

This is from one of my closest friends.She and I have been thick as thieves for almost 15 years. That kind of friendship is hard to come by. She is my confidante, my agony aunt and best friend all rolled in one. When I told her I want to post her Walnut Chicken recipe, she was only too happy to share. This recipe is all about bringing the...