
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"SoudZoukakia" - SmyRna Sausages

SoudZouKaKia(soo-tsoo-KAH-kyah). Huh???!!! Yeah,I know. The name is quite a mouthful.Almost all greek dishes are named that way.It also goes by the name SmyRna Sausage/Meatballs. This dish was brought to Greece by refugees from Smyrna, modern Izmir(Turkey). A typical Greek preparation made of spicy large and elongated meatballs with cumin,...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

TriColor "Rosemary and Garlic" Potatoes

"Rosemary is for Remembrance". It is believed that Rosemary improves memory power.Don't know if it is true, but it sure does add a great pungent flavor to potatoes, lamb, pizza and such.Rosemary combined with Garlic is a divine combo and you simply cannot go wrong with it.Potatoes infused with this combo of flavor is an excellent side-dish...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Raspberry Rose Pots De Creme

When I saw this recipe in an episode of 'Giada At Home'("We will always have Paris"), I fell in love. I have been raring to give it a try but the mixed reviews about the recipe gave me pause.Many who tried it weren't happy with the flavor, texture etc etc. So with a bit of ambiguity whether to try or not to try, I went ahead and gave it...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Multi-Grain Mixed-Berry Muffins

Muffins are an excellent choice for breakfast on the go.Even better if they are made of multi-grains and mixed berries.Here is a recipe for a healthier version that I adapted from here. Other muffins choices that you might like -  Wheat N Wheat Bran Sweet Potato Muffins, Cocoa, Banana, Apple-Sauce Muffins, Spiced Beet N Cocoa Muffins,...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mutter Paneer - Skillet Peas and Paneer(Indian Cottage Cheese)

Mutter Paneer - Everyone has their own version of this simple,easy and fabulous North-India dish. And this one is mine.Eat this delicious side-dish with Ghee(Clarified Butter) Rice, Lime Rice, Grapefruit Rice or Roti.I for one, eat it as is. Ingredients: Sweet Pea, Fresh or Frozen - 2- 21/2 cups (12 ounces) Paneer(Indian Cottage Cheese)...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Noodle and Berry-Cherry Salad With Mango-Yogurt Dressing

With the temperature soaring I am looking for ways to keep myself cool and spend as less time in the kitchen as possible.This is a very filling salad that is a cinch to make. I had some berries that were about to die on me. So this is what I came up with and this doesn't require you to sweat in the kitchen at all. Ingredients: Rice Noodles...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

RecipeReplica: Gravy Chicken - Leafy Green & Fiery Red For Father's Day

I dedicate this post to my dad and to all fabulous dads out there - Happy Father's Day 2010 This day is extra special because this also happens to be the 100th Father's day. On this extra special day, I want to share a little about my dad - My dad is from a large family of Seven. He was born in a poor family to parents who didn't know much...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stepped-Up Oatmeal with Dates and Mixed Berries

Want your bowl of Oatmeal to go from Bleh to Yay?For starters, cook it in milk rather than in water and proceed from there! :). This recipe, besides tasting heavenly, is packed with awesome health benefits due to the anti-oxidant(slows down wrinkling) properties of berries, iron-packed dates and oatmeal for high fiber + gorgeous skin.The...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

RecipeReplica: Cherry-Cherry Cake

Why am I calling this Cherry Cherry cake? There is Cherry in the middle and Cherry on the top. Ha Ha. This recipe was bookmarked sometime in the winter from Sumi's Kitchen. It was very distressing to wait until the cherries hit the store shelves Then it it did and I couldn't wait..Since my hubby's birthday came around the same time it was...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cherry Cake & CSN Stores $80 Giftcard Giveaway, International readers welcome

Like I promised in my previous post, this is my second giveaway sponsored by CSNStores. CSN Stores, the online mega-mall has over 200+ online stores in their network. Well, if you weren't lucky the previous time,maybe you could win it this time.International readers are welcome to participate and enter for a chance to win it for US and Canadian...

Friday, June 11, 2010

GastronomicGallivant: Turkish Borek, Bath/BedRoom Vanities and an upcoming GIVEAWAY

Vanity is my middle name! That said, I have to say Powder room is my favorite room ever. Every night, sitting on an elegant little vanity stool,looking at myself in the mirror for minutes at a stretch and brushing my not-so-long hair gives me sufficient time to regroup and refocus my thoughts to mentally get ready for a brand new day. How...

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Traffic Light" Smoothie

Go - Slow Down - Stop.. No, just gas and go to have this glass of goodness. No need to follow the Traffic Light Signals to introduce your taste-buds to this sensational smoothie.Umm, you get that this is only a "figurative expression", right? Stick to the Traffic Rules. About a month ago, when I was searching for a unique smoothie recipe,...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

GastronomicGallivant: SouthIndian Sundal With Lemon Juice, Zest and a Hint of Mint

Lentils/Legumes is one of the most important staple food in India. They are rich in protein, plenty of fiber,almost no fat and excellent protein alternative for vegetarians/vegans. To top it is inexpensive, very tasty and certainly not at all wimpish.My favorite way to eat any legumes or lentil is in the form of a Sundal. Sundal, not SundIal,...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GastronomicGallivant: Russian "All-Veg" Borscht

Ever since I saw the movie Eastern Promises, I have been making Borscht(Soup) frequently. I have to say that Beet is not my most favorite vegetable.I like it, don't love it but I eat it anyway for all the health benefits it brings.I prefer the pureed version better than the chunkier version. Ingredients: Beet - 1, large, peeled and diced Potato...