
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Banana-Blueberry and Whey Protein Smoothie

Smoothies are easy to make and a great way to get one's daily servings of veggies and fruits. I have added whey protein to fortify my smoothie and keep those hunger cravings at bay for a little longer. I know the color isn't very tempting but the taste is anything but. Just make sure to drink it right away cause the smoothie does turn to...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Boiled Corn on the Cob

Summer doesn't officially begin till middle of next month but it does feel like summer already. I am transitioning one from of my least favorite season to another.. Spring because I can't step outside without getting attacked by Pollen and Summer because it gives me nasty Skin rashes. :(. I probably will have to sail through Summer drinking...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Carrot Mango Ginger Celery Breakfast Smoothie

Now that Mangoes are in season, I couldn't help make a smoothie out of it. Its a truly awesome smoothie with nice serving of fruit and veggies. Ingredients (For 2 Tall Servings): 1 Ripe Mexican "Haden" Mango 2 Small Carrot 1/2" Ginger 1 Stalk Celery 1 Cup Cold Milk 1 Cup Ice Cubes 1/2 Cup Water (Omit if a thick smoothie is preferred) 2...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flavored Buttermilk, a refreshing summercooler

Here is a simple recipe for a refreshing summercooler made with skimmed buttermilk. Grand-mom had a special wooden buttermilk churner that she used to separate butter and buttermilk from fresh home-made curd. She always had a fresh batch of this flavored buttermilk to drink post-lunch and also serve to guests.Grand-mom was...

Indian Spiced Sweet Tea "Masala Chai"

When MIL came for a visit, she got me 2 packets of "Assam Black Tea powder/granules" and she says they make the best spiced sweet tea.It did and we all enjoyed sipping our evening tea until we exhausted it. She also gave me 2 large packets of Ooty Green Tea that I take to work. Now that I have run out of my assam black tea powder, I...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

POM Sangria

Pomegranate juice is so good for women,is what the doctors and nutritionists say. But it is so bitter, especially when consuming it as juice (Think POM juice). So I mix it with other juices and make my version of Sangria. This has become one of my favorite drinks. Since Spring anyway! Ingredients(For 3-4 Servings): 2 Cups Pure Pomegranate...