
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Whole Wheat Bread Pudding With Banana and Blueberries

Plenty of stale bread and a gloomy day last week called for something warm, something mushy and something sweet. I couldn't think of anything better than a bread pudding to cozy me up.I warmed up some maple syrup,drizzled it lovingly over the pudding and relished it spoon after spoon watching hopelessly as my portion size started diminishing and finally disappearing..Sadly I couldn't reach for seconds as I had packed the rest to be taken elsewhere. The base recipe was from here, which I modified to suit my taste buds.If you like bread pudding and if you like chocolate then make sure to try my "Chocolate And Sweet-Bread Pudding" that will knock your socks off.
Sending this as an entry to Versatile Kitchen's "Bake Off" event.

  • 10 Slices of Stale "Whole Wheat Bread"
  • 3 Large Eggs, whisked
  • 2 Cups Skimmed Milk
  • 1 Cup Whole Milk
  • 1-1/2 Cups Fresh or Frozen Blueberries(I used Frozen)
  • 3/4 Cup Granulated Sugar(add 1/2 Cup if you like it less sweet)
  • 3 Tbsp Honey
  • 1 Tbsp Butter, melted
  • 1 Ripe Banana, roughly mashed
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tsp of Whole Wheat Flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • A little butter for greasing the baking dish 
    • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
    • Toast the bread slices in a toaster.
    • Butter and prep a 11 X 7 inch baking dish. Cube the toasted slices and add it to the baking dish.
    • In a large bowl combine whisked eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt.
    • To it add the mashed bananas,honey and whisk them all together.
    • Pour over the cubed bread slices and let it soak for about 20-30 minutes.
    • Meanwhile dust the blueberries with a tsp of whole wheat flour.
    • Top the bread and egg mixture with dusted blueberries.
    • Bake in the oven for 50- 60 minutes or until knife inserted at the center comes out clean.
    • Remove from the oven. It should look mushy/something similar to this:
    • Serve it warm with dusting the top with confectioner's sugar or drizzle some maple syrup on the top which is how I prefer to eat.
    • Umm, Umm, Gooddddd..
    Makes 8-10 servings.

    • Feel free to substitute a banana for an egg. But its better to use at-least two eggs for this recipe. 
    • Don't skip the maple syrup drizzle.It does wonders to the pudding.


    1. Beautifully modified if I may say, so moist and delicious ♥

    2. looks vibrant and flavorful the recipe!

    3. It is a beautiful bread pudding, full of such goodness! Yummy! I love your dishes too, very pretty plate and baking dish.

    4. Interesting bread pudding and i love everything in there. Heavenly food for me :)

    5. nothing like the goodness of fruit in a dessert...looks yum!! love your baking dish

    6. loved the whole bread layer...makes it yummy with maple syrup

      Hamaree Rasoi

    7. What a delicious bread pudding! That combination is so droolworthy.



    8. Delicious and healthy bread pudding..looks divine,nice one dear.

    9. yummylicious! very tempting!...perfect with whole wheat bread!
      Smitha's Spicy Flavors

    10. Wow that looks awesome... with all the healthy goodness in it.

    11. Wow that looks awesome... with all the healthy goodness in it.

    12. Bread pudding is my ULTIMATE favorite dessert and I love that you used whole wheat bread here!

    13. I've never had bread pudding made with whole wheat and the blueberries make it a wholesome dessert.

    14. Pudding looks truly marvellous, havent tried adding fruits in pudding,love it..

    15. wonderful I am yet to make bread pudding and really need to :-)

    16. Très bonne idée pour liquider du pain qui reste et de manière très gourmande.
      Très bon.
      See soon.

    17. Superb recipe! I am sure it tastes heavenly!

    18. Delicious bread pudding, love the addition of blueberries in them.

    19. sounds interesting..yummy dish! I love all the ingredients, YUM!

    20. Bookmarked it already! What a delightful combo..

      US Masala

    21. bonne idée et bonne recette qui doit être délicieuse
      bonne soirée

    22. Innovative and interesting. Sure gonna try it.

    23. that looks so yumm!!! wanna gobble up some now ..

    24. You are on time. There won't be bake-off from next week. I will include it in tomorrow's roundup. Thanks.

    25. oh i heart banana in any form, warm bread pudding i'm salivating! feels good to be back to watch out interesting recipes!

    26. Hey, weren't you the one who asked for a mango chiffon cake recipe? I just posted that, but wasn't sure if it were you or someone else.

    27. Hey, Here is the answer to your question.
      I will see if I can bring the bake-off back, but I need to figure out some stuff for that. I buy all the props from thrift stores. They sell for anywhere from 50 cents to a buck for those napkins. Dishes are from there too. I can't justify spending so much for new stuff for just a hobby.


    Thanks a bunch for your valuable comments and continued support.They are very much appreciated. Yes,like "Rain on Dry Land" and like "Oasis in Desert Sand".
    XoXo, Cool Lassi(e)