
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eggless Chocolate Cupcake With Buttercream frosting

BM#12: W2, Day7: I saved the best for the last post of this month. Behold the first ever frosted cupcake creation that ever came out of my kitchen..I have never bothered to make any frosted creation at home (until now) cause I have a general aversion towards Frosting..If someone ever gives me a piece of cake or a cupcake, I...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chocolate Chili

BM#12: W2, Day6: Hope my readers aren't bored of seeing only sweet recipes.. Well, for a change, I am posting a savory recipe. Here in this Chili recipe,Chocolate is used as a flavoring agent to enhance the flavor of the Chili. Caution must be used to not go overboard with the chocolate. We want it to be subtly present but never overpowering....

Friday, January 27, 2012

Banana, Cocoa and Date Milkshake with Flaxseeds

BM#12: W2, Day5:  A "Bada Bing Bada Boom" Milkshake that gets you going till lunch time while keeping all the unhealthy cravings at bay. Super-yum shake that is a must try!! For Your Ears: I was actually thinking about this song as I was making the shake. So thought I would share it..But beware this song is "slightly"...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chocolate Strawberry Kesari "Cocoa Berry Kesari"

BM#12: W2, Day4: This is actually a re-post...The reason why I am doing a re-post is not because I was a lazybum and didn't have nothing to post about..Its just that I sincerely felt that this dish deserves another go..The Original post was made ages ago when this blog was relatively new and not seen many visitors. So it is very possible...