
Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Skin/Peel Almonds

This is a prelude to something "really sweet". Yeah, a decadent recipe with photo-laden post is coming your way. I wanted to add this to that "mystery post" but because that post already has 20+ pictures it didn't seem wise to overload that post. So here is a super quick tip on peeling almonds -- its easy and breezy!
  • 1-1/2 Cups Almond
  • Add the almonds to a wide shallow pan.
  • Pour hot water to cover up the almonds. Lid the pan and let it sit for 8-10 minutes.
  • Nip the tip(at the small end) of the almond and press the almond between your thumb and forefinger. The nut slips outs from the skin.Was it with cold water and wipe it clean with paper towel.
  • There you have it --  peeled almonds!


Thanks a bunch for your valuable comments and continued support.They are very much appreciated. Yes,like "Rain on Dry Land" and like "Oasis in Desert Sand".
XoXo, Cool Lassi(e)