
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Skillet "Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon" Fry

I am back. If you asked me what outlook I had on life this past dozen-days and if I was to sum up my feelings into one word, its "BITTER". As bitter as an uncooked Bitter Gourd/Bitter Melon if you ask me. But not to worry, just like how a bitter melon transforms into a mouthwatering dish after a bit of TLC, I will too-From Bleak to Better, that is! My 10-day antibiotics course got over yesterday and I feel much much better already. I am eating plenty of Yogurt and Yogurt-based dishes to re-introduce the good bacteria that the anti-biotics "inadvertently" killed from my system. Working out has resumed and things are falling back into place.
The one thing I am not looking forward to is cleaning the house. Yes, 2 weeks of slacking has compounded my chores and I have plenty of cleaning up to do. My house is a mess and that is not how I intend it to be when my In-laws arrive next week.  The next few months are going to be fun-filled and interesting. You may look forward to more traditional recipes that I plan on learning from MIL. Happy Happy is me. :). And I plan on teaching her a few recipes I learnt since the last time she visited, like this one. I usually cook my Bitter Melon with a bit of Jaggery(raw sugar) but this dish tastes yummy even without that. Thanks to Suja of Kitchen Corner for posting this wonderful recipe.My hubby and I have grown extremely fond of this curry that we have with Sambhar(Lentil and Vegetable Stew) and rice almost on a weekly basis.The original recipe was so good that I didn't have to change anything at all except omitting the coconut chunks. Yum! Read about the health benefits of this Vegetable here.
  • 6 Small Bitter Melon/Gourd
  • 1 Tbsp Corn Starch or Rice Flour
  • 1 large Yellow Onion, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 6-7 Green Chili, vertically slit without halving
  • 1/2 Tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 Tsp Chili Powder or as needed
  • 3-4 Tbsp Canola Oil
  • Salt as needed
  • A few grinds of Black Cracked Pepper
  • Wash the Bitter melon thoroughly in cold water and pat dry.
  • Thinly slice the bitter melon and take out the seeds.Add it to a bowl. Add the Corn starch, Chili Powder, Turmeric Powder to the chopped melon.
  • Mix them all thoroughly and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.
  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the melon with little salt for 5 minutes.
  • Add the chopped onion and green chili and fry for an additional 5-6 minutes.
  • Check for taste.Cracked pepper may be added if more heat is preferred.
  • Serve this delicious curry with Sambhar or with White rice and Yogurt.
  • True to its name this Vegetable is indeed "very very" bitter. So it really does need all the 4 Tbsp of oil, all the heat from the green chili, chili powder and cracked pepper plus the 10-12 minutes of frying to "offset" some of its bitterness. 
  • Use a non-stick pan to really fry the melon. Frying it helps getting rid of some of the bitterness.


  1. The curry looks delicious N. I didn't know you were sick, missed to note it. Glad you are feeling better and not bitter. Take it easy and have fun with your in-laws.

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling some better. This is something I have always wanted to try...I've seen it a few times in an Indian store...I just didn't really know how to prepare it...I will try it next time I see it.

  3. Happy to know that you are feeling better now....Recipe looks good...

  4. This is really a nice blog and bitter gourd is my favorite. I always luv to prepare to this dish with a little difference. Will try urs today..Keep posting yummy recipes...Fashion Bee

  5. Happy to know that you are feeling better dear..Thanks a million for trying the recipe and glad that you like the presentation,looks so delicious and inviting..hugs:)

  6. I love any kind of karela preparation...nice recipe..
    I like the skillet.

  7. Aww I'm glad you're feeling better! This dish sounds super nutritious!

  8. Very healthy and tasty looking fry. Wonderfully prepared.

    Hamaree Rasoi

  9. Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    Bitter gourd curry looks delicious, definitely new way of cooking it. Will have to try next time.

  10. this looks nice I don't like this veggie but hubby does so sorry that you haven't been well

  11. Hi,
    I like this recipe but have a dint marinate the bitter gourd in salt. I want to know if this recipe taste bitter or but. It is looking Very tempting. First time here and gladly following you. Please visit me as time permits.
    Show and Tell
    Event - LGSS_Potato

  12. Take care cool...

    Love this veggie right from my childhood...My mom used to cook well...But whenever i cook..i feel like something missing...

  13. Very healthy and delicious fry.. looks too good dear.. thanks for the recipe :)
    Indian Cuisine

  14. we love bittergourd....urs look truely beautiful,u hv maintained lovely color of the bittergourd..:)

  15. nice to know ure much better. hows the hunt going on?? ny luck? karela is not a fav of ours but tht last pic just made me change my mind abt making it at least once

  16. Wowww.. Delicious looking dish.. Simply inviting dear.

  17. Very different and yummy :) I love the click a lot :)

    For some reason all of as at home like bitter gourd and wouldn't deny it anytime. So will try this out for sure.

  18. Dear Lassie
    How are you? Bitter gourd is one of the few vegetables that I eat and almost every day...I never tried with a dash of corn starch or rice flour..sounds great!! I shall make it immediately .
    Have a nice weekend

  19. Glad you are better dear.

    I love bitter gourd so this is welcome addition to my folio of bitter gourd recipes. I generally salt the bitter gourd and let it rest for at least 12 hours before I cook it. Less bitter.

    I have posted one on bitter gourd today do check it out when you can.

  20. Glad that you are feeling good..I'm a big fan of bitter gourd and your preparation is simply perfect !!

  21. This is a another way on how to prepare your chili , another way to present your browni to your Family and friends, and how yummy it is, especially the peppermint.


Thanks a bunch for your valuable comments and continued support.They are very much appreciated. Yes,like "Rain on Dry Land" and like "Oasis in Desert Sand".
XoXo, Cool Lassi(e)