
Monday, August 2, 2010

An 'August' Announcement - Picture Project 365

"The World is full of Beautiful Things
    Butterfly Wings, Fairytale Things

The World abounds with many delights
  Magical Sights, Fanciful Sights
Our lives tick by like Pendulum Swings
  Delicate Things, Butterfly Wings
And each new day undoubtedly brings
   Still more beautiful things

-- Beautiful Things by Bobby Darin
Okay, what am I getting at by quoting Bobby's Beautiful things? Well, after a long, very long, extremely long thought(trust me) I have decided to jump the 'Picture Project 365' Bandwagon that seems to be all the rage in Facebook, Flickr, Blog etc etc. I shall be posting one picture a day, everyday for 365 days starting this month in my Facebook Fanpage.

Pictures could be of Art, Architecture, Food,Family,Nature,Wildlife,Scenic, Self, Sun and Sundry.Come follow me on my eclectic photo excursion for a jolly good time. While you are there, show me your support by hitting the "Like" button. Brash, I know. :). I'll see you there.


  1. Great idea - look forward to seeing your pictures!!

  2. Nice thought Lassie,looking forward to your beautiful pics.

  3. creative project the excited to see ur pics

  4. lassie while ure at it, also explain what the pic means to you and why its significant:)

  5. @OpenBook - Sure, from tomorrow. I already published a couple of them

  6. Sounds great, I dont have an account in fb, kinda procrastinating all the while!!! Looks like you gals are having fun there!!!

  7. wow!! thast really nice and awesome dear..goodluck :)

  8. Sounds like fun. I think I am the only person in the world not on Facebook; so I won't get to see your pics:(

  9. Wonderful project...cant wait to see the pics..

  10. Nice project. I've done this last year. It is seriously interesting and great way of enjoying photography. Good luck!!

  11. Wow that's a wonderful project..waiting to see the pictures.


Thanks a bunch for your valuable comments and continued support.They are very much appreciated. Yes,like "Rain on Dry Land" and like "Oasis in Desert Sand".
XoXo, Cool Lassi(e)