
Friday, March 26, 2010

RecipeReplica:Jello Stained-Glass Shards

This variation of jello dessert doesn't have to be restricted to kids and hospital-patients. The colors and flavors coming from different jello is a treat to both the eyeballs and the taste-buds. I came to know this recipe from 4thSenseCooking, a blog that is full of artistic, simple and straight-forward recipes that I have come to love.What is the 4th Sense??  Taste, which is one amongst the 6 senses a human has. So the name roughly translates to Tasty cooking. Nithya of 4thSenseCooking says that this recipe of hers is an adapted version from another blog, The Food Librarian who in turn adapted it from someone else. The way this recipe is propagating its sure to become a popular guilt-free treat if it hasn't already.
  • Jello - 1 1/2 tbsp each of Lime, Grape, Raspberry, Blueberry and Peach Flavors
  • Evaporated Milk - 1, 5 oz can
  • Gelatin - 1 Envelope of Knox Brand
  • Hot Water
  • Cold Water 
  • 1/4-cup Measuring cup (Wherever I mention cup, this is the cup I would be using, Cup = 1/4 Measuring Cup)
    • Jello: Dissolve each flavored jello in 2/3rd cup of hot water. Once the jello dissolves, add 2/3rd cup of cold water. Repeat for all flavors. Move them into individual cups and refrigerate overnight.
    • Roughly chop the jello into cubes and add then to a 9 X 11 inch pan. Doesn't have to be perfect cubes since they are Shards after all.
    • In a separate bowl, add the unflavored gelatin and dissolve it in 1/2 cup of cold water. Once the gelatin blooms, add 1 cup of cold water. Cool the mixture. Add the 5 oz evaporated milk and pour this into the pan with cubed Jello.
    • Refrigerate it overnight and cut it different shapes resembling a glass-shard.
     Makes ~ 12 uneven shards
    • It is important that the Jello cubes are firm for making precise cubes.
    • Recipe downsized to match our family needs. :)


    1. Wow urs one too comes out so perfect... i am too following the mentioned blogs and planning to make it soon...bought all the ingredients.....

      grt job done....wish that i can also make a nice one like u all....

    2. have been wanting to make this since I saw it at food librarian and then Nithya's. Looks so beautiful.

    3. Oh My!!! oh My!!! This looks awesome...
      love the colors..

    4. I know nithya but never saw this in her blog... but your version looks colourful and attractive.

    5. wow, looks so wonderful and very well done i must say! this is going right to my bookmark folder.. must be such a treat for the kids to see these beauties being made.

    6. Even I was going to try this. looks beautiful.

    7. hey this looks so beautiful.. wouldn't want to eat but just keep looking and admiring these diamonds..loved these

    8. Colorful..honestly, I don't have the patience in mixing everything individually. Great effort!

    9. Wow.. Looks fantastic dear.. I love the white base and I envy it now.. I could not get a bright white shade in mine since my orange was a spoil sport. Yours looks fantastic and I am wanting to make it again ;)

      Thanks a lot for the cute credits that you have given for my blog. ;) I am flying.

    10. Such a pretty gulit free treat. Awesome !

    11. Looks beautiful. Like something they'd eat in the movie Avatar!

    12. Just awesome son wud love them...

    13. This is the most beautiful way to make jello ever.

    14. Colourful and yummy...I have to use something else instead of gelatin..

    15. Cute little treats. love all those colors..

    16. Nice colorful jello, looks good yummy too.

    17. wow looks so yummy & colorfuul jello...

      gald to follow you..

    18. Flashback from my childhood! My mom used to make jello cakes for us all the time. These are so much fun and so pretty!

    19. Lovely are those delicacies... Very beautiful & colorfully patterned.... Tempting to be popped into my mouth...


    20. Ooh jello! They look so colorful and yummy!

    21. The recipe is so new and unique. It's different and have never seen it. Awesome work with jellies!

    22. Looks so colourful and cute!!!

      Hey dear
      There is an award waiting for you in my blog. Please accept it.
      Have a nice weekend

    23. That looks very colourful, something new and unique one...

    24. OMG that looks to good to eat...but I would love to have them anyway :)

    25. I love to play in the kitchen and you just game me one more fun activity to spend time doing! Thanks!

    26. This gives me an urge to attempt the jello thing again. Looks lovely.


    Thanks a bunch for your valuable comments and continued support.They are very much appreciated. Yes,like "Rain on Dry Land" and like "Oasis in Desert Sand".
    XoXo, Cool Lassi(e)