
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Vermicelli Upma With Carrots & String Beans

Just like it is customary to have Pizza on a Friday Night in the US, it was customary to eat Vermicelli Upma once every week as a breakfast or Brunch when I was growing up. I used to create lame excuses to not eat this  when I was a kid simply because it lost its appeal due to its frequency. Haha.. After I started cooking I made it a point to not cook it because I never did appreciate this as a kid. That all changed when one day I bought the vermicelli and cooked it with colorful vegetables..With my adult taste buds, I was able to appreciate its visual appeal and great taste.

  • Vermicelli - 2 cups
  • Carrot - 1/2 cup , julienned
  • String Beans - 1/2 cup, julienned
  • Corn Kernels - 1/4 cup, cooked (optional)
  • Curry Leaf - 2 stalks
  • Green Chilli - 4, vertically slit
  • Red Onion - 1, medium, vertically slit
  • Mustard seeds and Black Gram - For Seasoning
  • Olive Oil - 3 tbsp
  • Water - 2 cups
  • Salt for taste
  • In a deep bottomed pan, heat the oil and season it with mustard seeds and black gram. Once the mustard seeds start sputtering  add the onions, cut vegetables,corn kernels(if using) green chilli and curry leaves. 
  • Saute until the onions are browned.
  • Add the water and salt to the pan. Bring the water to boil.
  • Once the water starts bubbling, add the vermicelli and cook just until its soft but firm.
  • Serve it immediately with Peanut Chutney.
Makes 2 Servings.



  1. This looks so yummy! I've never tried making upma with vermicelli at home before- your version looks great!

  2. Dear Lassie
    I was not in the loop then, else I would have made this is so different ..will try soon
    Have a nice weekend


Thanks a bunch for your valuable comments and continued support.They are very much appreciated. Yes,like "Rain on Dry Land" and like "Oasis in Desert Sand".
XoXo, Cool Lassi(e)